Environment & Occupational Safety

Responsible Treatment

The protection of increasingly scarce raw materials, together with the development of innovative systems for more efficient energy use are major future topics with which REHAU is already successfully dealing today. We develop and manufacture not only ecologically and economically sensible system solutions for our customers, but we also act in a responsible manner with regard to man and nature.

REHAU systematically assesses the risks for its employees represented by workplaces. Even before our employees start work for the first time, we put suitable measures in place to maintain and promote their safety and health. In doing so, we deliberately exceed minimum standards

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Environmental protection

The essence of our responsibility is the REHAU environmental policy: Environmental policy principles

From a risk and sustainability point of view, REHAU has introduced a program to assess and minimise environmental risks and consequences resulting from our activities as much as possible.


  • We have been recovering and reusing manufacturing waste since the 1950s.
  • Our products have carried material content identifiers since the 1970s.
  • By the end of the 1980s, we initiated the development of disposal concepts.
  • Since then, we have been employing recycling concepts for the subsequent reuse of automotive industry products and components.
  • We manufacture products that allow the employment of recycled materials from other sources, for example, the RAURECO recycling inspection shaft, which allows for the qualified employment of “DSD products” in a technically high-quality finished product.
  • We develop new polymer blends which achieve material-specific properties, as well as ensuring a high level of material recyclability of the manufactured products.
  • In addition to meeting international standards such as the ISO 14001, REHAU also participates in local activities. We are for environmental contribution certificate.

Health and safety protection

We are convinced that all industrial accidents and occupational illnesses are generally avoidable. The REHAU health and safety protection policy is based on this principle: Health and Safety Protection Principles

Engineering progress

Enhancing lives

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