People drive REHAU. Fostering the development of employees of all nationalities is very important to us. We will advance your career if you are willing to perform and to apply yourself.
Your individual development at REHAU follows the performance principle of our personnel concept. Considering your specific potential, initiative and abilities, we will progressively prepare you to assume tasks to further your career.
Career Paths
Professional career path
Aside from the traditional management career path, we offer highly qualified employees the option of pursuing a successful career along our professional career path.
Management career path
We accompany talented, motivated employees who display a willingness to perform along their way on the traditional vertical career development path. As a manager, you will assume overall professional and personnel responsibilities for a department within the company.
Developing Your Potential
We view personnel development as an ongoing process in which everything revolves around the qualification of our employees. Together with our employees, we work to develop the capabilities for current and future tasks. We prefer to promote qualified individuals from within the company.
The potentials of our employees are assessed at regular intervals within the context of a systematic personnel development program. The resulting competency profile allows managers to develop each employee's skills and experience in a targeted manner. We view the development of our employees' potential as an important management responsibility.
Training and ongoing education are an essential component of REHAU’s corporate policy. Our goal is to maintain the qualifications of our employees and to continually expand them. Our training programs convey more than merely knowledge and abilities. Continuing education courses at REHAU are vital to work satisfaction and employee motivation.
Professional education and development concepts allow every individual to develop themselves fully, according to their abilities and performance. Our employees work together with their supervisors and Human Resources to plan internal and external qualification programs. REHAU has its own Training department that is dedicated to ensuring that our employees' job skills and knowledge remain up to date.
International Training
REHAU supports development of individual career paths, ranging from an international trainee program to specialized education programs. Our employees benefit from a personal approach to advancing their careers.