As a responsible family company committed to sustainability, we are guided by the principles of integrity in business and law abidance. For this reason, we are also strictly mindful of all our partners in the supply chain sharing the same fundamental values as us, as set out in our Code of Conduct and Anti-Corruption Guideline, which contain binding rules of conduct for all our employees worldwide.
Within the framework of our Compliance efforts we have introduced an external, web-based whistleblower system complying with the highest data protection and security requirements, the REHAU Compliance Communication System (CoCoS).
Aside from its preventative effect simply through its existence, a whistleblower system is by far the most efficient method of uncovering attempted or completed Compliance violations at an early stage. Valuable information cannot only be supplied by employees, but also by suppliers. For this reason, we have decided to open up the CoCoS System for information from our circle of suppliers.
With this in mind, we would be grateful if you could inform us of any irregularities and legal violations at REHAU, if, contrary to expectation, our Compliance efforts should fail.
Information received through the system is transmitted directly to the Compliance Officer at Legal and Compliance, who will treat this with strict confidence and in particular will not disclose the whistleblower’s identity without his or her express agreement.
Please note that the CoCoS system can only be used for information in connection with Compliance violations such as corrupt conduct or market fixing. For complaints of a commercial or contractual nature within the framework of the business relationship, please use the usual contacts.