817-D1011 - 54529

District heating & pre-insulated pipe

What is district heating?

District Heating utilises pre-insulated pipe to transport hot water from the energy centre to provide the heat demand for a number of properties, residential, commercial or multi occupancy.

The Energy Centre can use a variety of heat sources such as fossil fuels (e.g. gas CHP), Energy from Waste, industrial waste heat or renewable energy sources such as heat pumps, biomass or anaerobic digestion to heat the water.

The hot water travels through an underground pre-insulated pipe network to a heat interface unit (HIU) located in each building, this provides heating and hot water to each building and allows individual temperature control to each building.  The cold water then returns back to the energy centre to be heated and circulated again. 



Trends in District Heating Pipework

This whitepaper aims to provide district heating specifiers and contractors with key considerations and technical points for the next generation of low carbon heat networks. 

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Product range

RAUVIPEX pre-insulated PE-Xa pipe

The new standard in pre-insulated pipe for heat networks 20 - 140mm

  • Highly flexible PE-Xa pipe with bonded PUR foam
  • First district heating pipe range with SN8 ring-stiffness
  • First flexible PU foamed pipe to reach Class A watertightness under AGFW 420-1
  • Newly developed fine-poured PUR foam characterised by excellent insulation properties combined with outstanding flexibility
  • Available up to 140 UNO and 75 DUO

Find out more

467-D009_02 - 1119557

A shroud revolution.

More universal. More flexible. More watertight.
Our new CLIP-FLEX shroud, universal for all REHAU district heating pipes.

Inspired by experience, optimised with passion: we have developed a ball joint function for our new CLIP-FLEX shroud that allows you to master even extreme angle deviations of up to 22.5°. Our integrated EPDM sealing system ensures that you can combine various REHAU pipe types and diameters extremely conveniently – without the need for separate sealing rings.

Discover our Clip-Flex shroud

468-D023 - 1088502
  1. 875-D030 - 1078302
  2. 875-D031 - 1078300
  3. 875-D032 - 1078312
  4. 875-D033 - 1078319
  5. 875-D034 - 1078315
  6. 875-D035 - 1078304
  7. 875-D036 - 1078306
  8. 875-D013 - 1078320
  9. 875-D014 - 1078305
  10. 875-D015 - 1078301
  11. 875-D016 - 1078314
  12. 875-D017 - 1078322
  13. 875-D018 - 1078317
  14. 875-D019 - 1078307
  15. 875-D020 - 1078316
  16. 875-D021 - 1078321
  17. 875-D022 - 1078310
  18. 875-D023 - 1078303
  19. 875-D024 - 1078308
  20. 875-D025 - 1078299
  21. 875-D026 - 1078313
  22. 875-D027 - 1078318
  23. 875-D028 - 1078309
  24. 875-D029 - 1078311

Modular Tees

Fabricated to the highest standards, these new Modular
Tees offer the greatest flexibility in design.

  • Uses the renowned Everloc fitting, over 1 billion joints made worldwide
  • No O-rings in joint making these quick and easy to install
  • Simple visual inspection of the joint
  • For pipe sizes 25mm - 110mm
  • Over 600 possible configurations
  • Fabricated to order and individually pressure tested at the factory

Download the flyer

FUSAPEX T-Stück Generation ll



Electric welding socket system used alongside RAUTHERMEX and RAUVITHERM.

  • Operating temperatures -40°C to +95 °C at max 6bar
  • No corrosion, good chemical resistance
  • Fully polymer system with high velocities
  • Cost saving

What we offer our customers

Providing service and design support for our customers is our priority - our UK sales, technical & design and production teams are available to ensure you have the right information to support you through your project. All our key designers are accredited CIBSE heat network consultants and are able to support you with pipe sizing & network routing, diversity and heat loss calculations, operating temperature choice, network optimisation and can provide you with BIM data.

We offer the largest UK stock available with a full cutting service, UK manufacturing and a sales and technical team on hand to assist on-site as well CPD presentations on heat networks. Find out more by taking a look at the videos below.

Our UK sales support

Our technical & design support

Our production

Our UK stock





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